The Swift Kick Characterizes the Man

“It is with a simple yet sublime gesture that Charlie expresses his supreme detachment from that biographical and social world in which, for us, we are plunged.”

blinking buffon

“…when Charlie is involved with an object for some time he quickly contracts a sort of mechanical cramp.”


charlie shake 2

“One of the most characteristic aspects of Charlie’s freedom in respect to the demands of society is his total indifference to the category of things held sacred”

charlie eyebeows 8

‘Essay on Charlie Chaplin’, from What is cinema by Andre Bazin.

Eduteching in Saigon at #VTC 2013

Đường Đồng Khởi by Khánh Hmoong shared under a CC license from flickr

Đường Đồng Khởi by Khánh Hmoong shared under a CC license from flickr

I am delighted to be participating in our organisations’ first ‘edutech’ conference at Saigon South International School this weekend. Looking forward to sessions on open source software, digital citzenship and project based learning, but mainly just looking forward to chatting, sharing and learning with folks over the weekend. Will hopefully post some reflections here on the way home.

Soupy soups, festive greetings & Tim Minchin getting it right

click image twice for the animated message

click image twice for the animated message

Festive loveliness to all – may your soups be soupy and your malts peaty. For proper animated gifs check out the beautifully distilled movie concepts at

Think Tim Minchin explains why these next few days are so important, even for those of us that don’t bother the big man, pretty much perfectly in this song. Having been overseas for so many Christmas and New Years since leaving Scotland twelve years ago – it really is special for us to be back with the family for this one. x